
(pronounced eck-WARE-it-ens)

Equaritans are a species of aquatic pony created by Walroose, based on the existing species of ponies in the My Little Pony television series.

Basic Info

Equaritans are a species of aquatic pony that thrive at the south pole, sometimes known as Walrus Ponies, despite having no relation to walruses. They are known as this because they have always co-existed with a species of southern walrus (called "Osmaridus"), which they often ride across the water for speedy traversal.Equaritans live at the southernmost continent of the planet Equus, called Ulluria, with many cities and towns that never need to worry about foreign invasions, since intruders wouldn't dare challenge them in the brutal cold of the antarctic. Equaritans spend their days playing in the snow, hunting fish for food, racing on the Osmaridus for sport, and hanging out by the fire at night.Artworks used:
Planet Equus
Equestria symbol

Brief History

Part 1

This is only a brief history. For the complete history, visit this page.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, seven tribes of very primitive pegasi migrated to the southern pole of the planet, where there were very few predators. They called this continent at the south pole "Ulluria." These seven tribes were known as the Ullens, the Izens, the Whittox, the Glacens, the Glisseaux, the Iafins, and the Cristalis.

Since pegasi already lived high in the clouds where the air is cold and thin, these pegasi were able to survive in the bitter cold. At first, they crafted tools to help them to hunt for fish, which is the only sustainable food source in the antarctic. But over many millennia, the pegasi evolved, eventually inheriting claws, sharp teeth, and fins. Their fur got even thicker so they could retain body heat even in the coldest of waters. They evolved to a point where they no longer needed tools to hunt. It wasn't long before they were able to build their own civilizations.

Brief History

Part 2

Each tribe had their own unique struggles due to their different geographic locations and environmental conditions, and over time, each tribe adapted to the obstacles in their homelands, and became differentiated from one another. Once their evolutionary advantages made getting food much easier, the tribes were able to focus on turning their villages into towns, and eventually into cities.

These cities would carry the namesake of the tribes that founded them; Ullenguarde, Izenport, Whithelm, Glacenbury, Glissmoor, Iaford, and Cristalhallow.

A notable flaw of Equaritan architecture is that, since lumber was a scarce resource, all structures were made of ice and snow. Supplying light from inside these structures without melting them was impossible, and if light was to be supplied via holes in the ceiling, this would allow cold air to flow in and defeat the purpose of having a house in the first place. Only small, compact structures were practical.

Brief History

Part 3

But eventually, an amazing discovery was made. The Iafins uncovered luminium; a valuable ore that supplied light, without radiating heat. Because of this, they were able to light up their homes and their palaces without fear of melting them, resulting in brilliant structures with immaculate lighting.

The Iafins were eager to trade, but the Ullen Chancellor had other plans. Ullenguarde waged war on Iaford to seize its supply of luminium, and began to colonize other tribes to gain geopolitical influence over Iaford. This continued for hundreds of years, until eventually, an Izen revolutionary by the name of Koncora led a rebellion against the Ullens' occupation of Izenport. The Izens won their independence, and inspired other tribes to do the same. Ullenguarde, outnumbered by the other tribes, eventually surrendered, bringing an end to the Ullen Empire.

The tribes agreed to be allies from then on; and the result was a massive nation spanning the entire continent of Ulluria. This nation adopted a democratic system of government, giving equal representation to everypony. Ullenguarde was repurposed to be a hub of multiculturalism, where Equaritans of all kinds were welcomed to represent their homelands. Today, Ulluria still sits as both a nation and a continent, and remains largely secluded from the rest of the world.


Part 1

Equaritans are suited to live much of their lives in the water. They may have evolved from a pegasus, however they are completely flightless, as they have fins instead of wings. Their tails are adapted to the aquatic environment as well, having a sort of dolphin shape. In addition, Equaritans have very large lungs to store plenty of air, meaning they can spend up to an hour underwater before needing to take a breath. Because of this, they are known for having rather puffed-out chests.Equaritans are also very small in comparison to other species of ponies. This aids them in being agile in the water, combining with all their other features to make them extraordinarily fast swimmers. However, because of their smaller muscle mass, they cannot swim for extremely long distances; which is why they rely on the Osmaridus for long-distance travel.


Part 2

Of course, being at the southern pole means it is very, very cold. Equaritans have very thick fur to keep them warm on the main parts of their bodies, however the fur gradually thins out a bit when it gets to the tail. And since they are very small, it's easier for them to preserve body heat.And lastly, Equaritans are carnivores. Their diets mainly consist of fish they get from hunting. As such, they do not have hooves; instead, they have paws, with retractable claws. This does hinder their ability to travel on land, but it offers great advantages for hunting. For similar reasons, Equaritans also have sharp teeth, and two larger fangs on either side of their mouth, which can extend when preparing to strike their prey.


Aside from reproductive functions (and breast size for anthros), there are few differences between male and female Equaritans. There never needed to be! Besides the occasional polar bear, there were never any real threats to Equaritans, so there was never a need to have a stronger stallion to protect the tribe. Both males and females have a more feminine body shape; you might even say the stallions are "femboys." The biggest noticeable difference is their voice, and even then, the stallions have softer voices than stallions in any other part of the world.

Equaritan OCs

The following is a list of all currently existing Equaritan OCs, not canon to Ulluria's history.

Feel free to make your own! If you do, please contact me on Twitter so I can add them to this list!

You can also see every character that exists in Ulluria's history with the link below.

Make Your Own

Equaritans will never be a closed species. I encourage you to make one!!

These bases are completely free to use!

Equaritan Wiki

Visit the links below to read the full documentation of Ulluria and the Equaritan species.

Chapter 1: Migration Period
840,000 BCE - 500,000 BCE

Chapter 2: Evolution Period
500,000 BCE - 20,000 BCE

Chapter 3: Age of Ascension
20,000 BCE - 1,000 BCE

Chapter 4: Millennium of Darkness
1,000 BCE - 0 CE

Chapter 5: Zo's Conquests
0 CE - 800

Chapter 6: The First Enlightenment
800 - 1200

Chapter 7: The Era of Black Souls
1200 - 1500

Chapter 8: Koncora's Revolt
1500 - 1750

Chapter 9: The Second Enlightenment
1750 - 1820

Chapter 10: Ullenguarde's Revenge
1820 - 1900

Chapter 11: The Brittle War
1900 - 1930

Chapter 12: Age of Unity
1930 - 1970

Chapter 13: The Final Clash
1970 - 2000

Chapter 14: Socia's Embrace
2000 - Present

Historical Figures

These characters are important figures in Ulluria's history.

Migration Period

Zo's Conquests

The Era of Black Souls

Koncora's Revolt

Ullenguarde's Revenge


The continent of Ulluria has spawned several different variations of Equaritans.
Visit the links below to learn about each one.


General Overview

Ulluria's geography contributes a large amount to the lives of its inhabitants. It sits at the south pole of the planet Equus, a vast landmass mostly covered in snow. Grass is a rare sight on Ulluria, and trees are even rarer.

A curious side effect of being at the south pole is that, the south pole is, by definition, the southernmost point on the planet; this means that moving in any direction away from the south pole causes you to move north.

Because of this, Ullurians do not use typical north, south, east, and west cardinal directions. Rather, they use their own labels. With the map in its current orientation, these directions are:
Up - Kroth
Down - Zoth
Left - Vlest
Right - Glist

Ocean Currents

The areas near the bottom of the continent are much warmer than the areas near the top. This is because of ocean currents. Warm water flows from the Great Sea of Zo and much of it flows to the 90° western meridian. Or as the Ullurians would say, it flows to the vlestern meridian.

Because of wind, the planet's rotation, and how much easier it is for water to flow this way because of how the land is shaped, the currents bring warmer water by the Izen and Zo Peninsulas, Iglis, and the Islands of Veka.

It also allows for limited agriculture, and as such, Iglis, Izenport, and the Islands of Veka are Ulluria's primary agricultural areas. In addition, Izenport is Ulluria's main seaport, so other species who aren't adapted to the cold can do trade here, where it's most warm.

Plate Tectonics

All of the heat that is carried by the ocean currents is generated by the Zo Supervolcano. This massive volcano is located underwater at the intersection of three tectonic plates. The planet's crust is very thin here, allowing magma to build up pressure in this area, keeping it very warm; thus providing heat to the currents.

The Glissdon Mountains are formed similar to how the Himalayas were formed on Earth. The Gliss plate was driven under the Antarctic plate, causing the Antarctic plate to rise up and form a huge mountain range; just like the Indian and Eurasian plates formed the Himalayas.

Similarly, the Glacori Plateau is just like the Tibetan Plateau on Earth. This is also why Lake Glacori is frozen; it's so high in the air on top of the plateau. Before the plateau formed, Lake Glacori was at sea level, but it was risen by the collision between the plates. The extremely cold temperatures caused the lake to freeze, which kept the water in place and prevented it from draining out into the ocean. What resulted is a frozen lake located several kilometers above sea level.

Size Comparisons

Ulluria is very large, about twice the area of Australia, and a little less than half as big as Africa.


The Outlander

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The Youth

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The Ancestor

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The Conqueror

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The Cultist

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The Healer

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The Revolutionary

General Information

Pronouns - she/her or it/its
Sexuality - Lesbian
Born - 1452
Died - 1534
Cause of Death - Assassination
Born in 1452 CE in downtown Izenport, Koncora had some difficulties immediately upon birth. Her wingfins were deformed and infected and had to be amputated, resulting in the two scars on her back. Koncora also had a stunted growth, taking much longer than other ponies to reach her full size. In addition, researchers of pawtism think it is very likely that Koncora was pawtistic.

Art of this character is encouraged!
Ship Art - Only with Socia
NSFW Art - No hardcore fetishes

Early Life

Due to her small size and lack of wingfins, Koncora was the target of bullying in early life. Her harassers would call her names like "earthpony" in reference to how she had no wingfins and no horn.Eventually, she did find someone who cared for her; another mare named Socia. Like Koncora, she also suffered birth injuries; namely, she had a prosthetic front leg. The two mares were able to sympathize with each other due to their disabilities, and quickly became very close friends. Socia often visited Koncora in her igloo to play games; the two loved Connect Horse. They even started to come up with their own games!

Eve of Hearts and Hooves Day, 1468

Socia never let Koncora visit her igloo; Koncora was always curious as to why, but Socia was always very secretive about it. That is, until she opened up a bit more on the eve of Hearts and Hooves Day.Socia only had one parent; an abusive father who frequently took advantage of her due to her lack of mobility. Her mother had died in childbirth, leaving no one else to defend her. At least, no one else, until now.Koncora was so outraged that Socia's own flesh-and-blood would treat her this way; so she decided to do something about it. That night, Koncora grabbed a fishing spear that belonged to her mother, and snuck to the back of Socia's igloo.She could hear the father; taunting his own daughter. It was hard to listen to; but, when Koncora heard the sound of Socia crying, she snapped.She leapt through the back door, her fangs drawn with the spear in her right paw, and tackled the predator from behind.Socia's father was shocked, but it didn't take long for him to realize he was under attack; he swiped at Koncora, leaving a deep cut in her left eye. She stumbled back, dropping the spear as she clutched her bleeding eye, groaning in pain. The angry stallion pinned her down, readying his claws to slit the intruder's throat.Socia saw the horrific sight of her father about to murder her only friend. Thinking quick, she grabbed the fishing spear in her jaws, and charged into her abuser.Socia's father turned toward her in disbelief, before going limp several moments later, falling to the floor. She immediately went to check on her friend, and, seeing that Koncora was still alive, she couldn't help but dive in to kiss her.Koncora's eyes shot open in surprise; the pain was unrelenting, but, the warm embrace and the soft lips of Socia made it bearable.It didn't last long though; Socia quickly broke the kiss and grabbed Koncora's paw, dragging her out and towards the local medic. Upon arrival, the medic quickly tended to Koncora's wounds. It was discovered that her eyelid took the brunt of the hit, and that her eye was mostly intact. Her eye would heal eventually, but she would have a permanent scar on the left side of her face. Socia would stay with Koncora in the medic's igloo. Since there was only one bed, she laid on the floor, guarding her new marefriend.

Hearts and Hooves Day, 1468

When Koncora woke the next morning, the medic spread an ointment over her eyelid. He told her it would keep it shut for several weeks. She was given an eyepatch before being released.Now that it was the following morning, Socia began to realize the gravity of the situation; she had killed her own father. She panicked, telling herself that, while her father abused her, he also fed her and raised her. Koncora tried everything she could to convince Socia that her father didn't deserve any sympathy. Realizing nothing she said could calm her down, Koncora grabbed Socia by the cheeks and kissed her. For much, much longer this time.The surprise of the sudden affection completely dashed away Socia's concerns, and seconds later, she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment of bliss.Koncora took Socia back to her igloo. Once there, Koncora told her mother, Renora, what had happened; the only response was a simple nod.Partway through the day, Koncora's home was abruptly stormed by the Royal Guard; they grabbed Renora, explaining they found her fishing spear thrusted into the corpse of Socia's father. Koncora was about to stand up and confess, but her father, Krovic, held her in place."That's right, I did it," said Renora, "I put that bastard in his place. No one rapes their own daughter and gets away with it."Koncora was stunned. The Royal Guards seemed satisfied with the confession though, and Koncora's mother was taken away.Luckily, the Princess of Izenport took pity on her. Normally, the punishment for murder would be death; but, the Princess decided that imprisonment for 30 moons would suffice.Koncora's father would care for both the young girls for the years to come.

1472 - 1491

At 20, Koncora and Socia were ready to move out. They stayed together as they began life in a new home; this prompted much discrimination, as it was considered "uncivil" for two unrelated mares to live together. Thus began Koncora's legacy of civil rights activism.Over the years, Koncora would become a public speaker, campaigning for not just the rights and protections of lesbians, but also for disabled equaritans. She would also speak up against child abuse, and she advocated to provide help to victims of sexual assault.Koncora's teachings quickly got the attention of the Princess; the same one who had imprisoned her mother. Koncora was ruthless in her criticism of the Princess. So much so, that the Princess chose to step down.. and left Renora as the new Princess of Izenport.Such a decision was unprecedented; it was the first time a Princess had ever passed down her royalty to someone she wasn't related to by blood.Krovic became the leader of the Royal Guard. He made certain that what happened to his wife would not happen again.Koncora, with Socia at her side and with the support of her parents, turned Izenport into a progressive utopia. They built more schools. They built abuse shelters. They replaced prisons with rehabilitation centers. Anti-discrimination laws were passed.But there was one problem; Ullenguarde.Ullenguarde had been occupying Izenport for centuries. The Ullen Chancellor worried that the reforms put in place by Renora's administration would make the Izens want to break free of Ullenguarde's control.And, in 1491, his fears became true once Izenport declared war on Ullenguarde; a war that would be known as The Izen Rebellion.

After The Izen Rebellion

The Izen Rebellion was ended in 1497 when the Ullen Chancellor was captured, and thus signed a peace agreement that granted Izenport its independence from Ullenguarde.Since Krovic fell during the war, Koncora became the new leader of the Royal Guard. But, this wouldn't last long, as Renora fell ill in 1504, and died in 1505. Koncora assumed the throne; but, feeling uncomfortable with her new power, she decided to dismantle Izenport's monarchist structure.Koncora implemented a system of direct democracy. The Izens would have the power to elect representatives, and vote on any legislation that was proposed by those representatives. Of course, this did not come without its fair share of backlash; many Izens sympathized with the previous hierarchical structure, arguing that Izenport needed a strong leader in times of need.Koncora compromised by creating another electable position; the Prima Ministrata, or Prime Minister, of Izenport.Koncora, beloved by all Izens, was the first Prima Ministrata to be elected in 1529. She and Socia would continue their reforms for Izenport, but it wasn't long until they set all the gears in motion, and Izenport could not be improved much further.Seeing how wonderful life had become in her home city, Koncora wanted to travel to Ullenguarde to share her knowledge. In 1534, she planned a meeting with the Ullen Chancellor, who was the son of the Chancellor Koncora had fought in The Izen Rebellion. The current Chancellor had always admired Koncora, since she spared the life of his father, and was enthusiastic to begin diplomatic relations with Izenport.Unfortunately, the Ullen Chancellor's enthusiasm was not shared by his citizens. Upon arrival in Ullenguarde, Koncora and Socia received numerous threats of violence, and needed both the Ullen Royal Guard and the Izen Defense Service to protect them both. On the evening of the third day in Ullenguarde, while Koncora and Socia were resting in the Royal Palace, a lone Ullen Nationalist snuck into the palace and detonated a suicide bomb, destroying the left side of the building and killing dozens of ponies, including Socia and Koncora. They were 82.Following the assassination, the Ullen Chancellor traveled to Izenport to deliver the news, as he felt partly responsible for Koncora's and Socia's deaths. After the Chancellor's departure back to Ullenguarde, Izenport held the largest funeral it would ever hold, remembering the heroes who fought for the Izens' freedom.


The Companion

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The Matriarch

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The Warrior

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The Protector

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The Sacrifice

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The Scourge

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Chapter 1

Migration Period

840,000 BCE - 500,000 BCE

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Chapter 2

Evolution Period

500,000 BCE - 20,000 BCE

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Chapter 3

Age of Ascension

20,000 BCE - 1,000 BCE

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Chapter 4

Millennium of Darkness

1,000 BCE - 0 CE

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Chapter 5

Zo's Conquests

0 CE - 800

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Chapter 6

The First Enlightenment

800 - 1200

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Chapter 7

The Era of Black Souls

1200 - 1500

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Chapter 8

Koncora's revolt

1500 - 1750

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Chapter 9

The Second Enlightenment

1750 - 1820

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Chapter 10

Ullenguarde's Revenge

1820 - 1900

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Chapter 11

The Brittle War

1900 - 1930

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Chapter 12

Age of Unity

1930 - 1970

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Chapter 13

The Final Clash

1970 - 2000

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Chapter 14

Socia's Embrace

2000 - Present

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The Ullen Tribe

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The Izen Tribe

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The Whitten Tribe

Plural: Whittox

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The Glacen Tribe

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The Glisseau Tribe

Plural: Glisseaux

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The Iafin Tribe

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The Cristali Tribe

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Tribes of Ulluria

Additional Info

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